Precise fashion tagging with Pixyle AI

Enhance eCommerce efficiency for fashion product tagging with Pixyle's AI image tagging. Instantly generate rich, detailed attributes for fashion products, increasing efficiency by up to 90% and accelerating time to market by 10x.

Product tagging

Harness Pixyle’s AI for precise fashion tagging

How product tagging works

How it works

Automatically generate rich, descriptive AI tags from studio or user-generated images in multiple languages, tailored for different markets

Improve efficiency

Save time with AI-driven automated product tagging for your entire catalog in minutes. Boost efficiency and productivity by tagging fashion products quickly and accurately.

Improved efficiency
Speed to market

Speed to market

Auto-tag your catalog in minutes with Pixyle's AI engine, processing 336,000 images daily. Meet deadlines and accelerate time to market by 10x with high-quality tags.

Label recognition

Boost efficiency with AI-driven label recognition: Instantly extract brand, size, material, and origin. Automate data entry, reduce errors, save time, standardize categories, and improve inventory management.

Label recognition

Proven results with a clear ROI enhances key efficiency and product discovery metrics


Faster time to market


Increase in conversion rate


Boost in AOV


Get quick answers about our Pixyle AI-driven solutions for ecommerce and fashion product attribution.

What is automated product tagging?

Automated product tagging utilizes AI algorithms to analyze images and automatically assign descriptive tags and attributes to products without human intervention.

How does's automated product tagging work? uses advanced AI and label recognition technology to extract detailed product data from images, generating accurate tags and attributions instantly.

What are the benefits of automated product tagging?

Automated tagging speeds up the tagging process, reduces manual errors, enhances product discoverability, and improves overall catalog management efficiency.

Can automated product tagging handle multiple languages and image types?

Yes,'s automated tagging system is designed to process images and content in multiple languages, ensuring comprehensive coverage across diverse product catalogs.

How quickly can I implement automated product tagging into my workflow?

Implementation of's automated tagging solution is seamless, typically integrating into existing workflows within a short timeframe to enhance operational efficiency.